About Us
Following the success of its Hydrogen Industry Forum (Smart Hydrogen – Changing the Game) at Queensland’s Parliament House, Energy Skills Queensland (ESQ) launched Hydrogen Skills Australia (H2SA). It builds on years of experience and a very strong track record of support for Queensland’s rollout of the Coal Seam Gas industry early in the last decade.
Through the H2SA brand, ESQ will continue its strong record of collaboration with relevant Industry bodies at a national level. Whilst the focus has predominantly been on the technology and economics, H2SA is focussing on workforce skilling requirements, competency gaps, as well as jobs and job placements for a strong Hydrogen Industry future. Where needed, H2SA will initiate training and skilling opportunities but it is not an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) and as such will oversee training wishes.
A Technical Introduction to
Hydrogen and Hydrogen Systems
This course has 7 modules that provides learners with a basic but valuable technical introduction to hydrogen and hydrogen systems, including production methods, basic chemistry, electrolysis, storage, distribution, material compatibility, combustion, hydrogen refuelling stations, liquefaction, fuel cells, hydrogen batteries, standards and regulations and basic hydrogen safety.
H2SA has two immediate areas of strategic emphasis:
Gas Industry Reference Group
To immediately establish and coordinate a ‘Gas Industry Reference Group’ to ensure strong Industry input on the timely development of the gas industry’s skills and competency needs. Matching skills, to jobs, and aligning these opportunities with the pipeline of hydrogen projects, is H2SA’s central goal. These will complement the wider Hydrogen Industry and assist on transitioning those workforces from high-emitting industries to a Hydrogen world. Upskilling staff for the export trade as well as in key project management roles will be important.
National Hydrogen Skills Australia Hub
The badging of ‘National Hydrogen Skills Australia Hub’ training facilities in Gladstone at several potential ‘Centres of Regional Energy Excellence’ (CoREE)’. These training facilities would not seek to compete with traditional University or TAFE campus offerings, but rather provide unaccredited agile and specialist training solutions such as ‘Safety Leadership at Work’, ‘Hydrogen First Responder’, and ‘Hydrogen Generic Induction’ micro-credentialing programs.
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Research Report - Hydrogen Industry
As part of wider research into job roles, skills and supply chain analysis for the renewable energy sector, Energy Skills Queensland (ESQ) conducted research in 2019 into the job roles and functions, skills, experience and qualifications required to grow and sustain the ever-growing Hydrogen industry in Australia.
Questions and Answers
Does H2SA deliver any training program?
No, H2SA is not a Registered Training Organisation. We research H2 training needs and connect industry with suitable training providers. H2SA does have the ability to design bespoke training programs for Hydrogen related needs and provide these through our network of accredited training partners.
Is H2SA a brand you can trust?
Most definitely. H2SA was established in 2019 within Energy Skills Queensland after recognising the steep emergence of the hydrogen industry and the scarcity of skills related information. We have been part of the Hydrogen Technical Advisory Committee and currently have representation on the Queensland Ministerial Energy Council (and Hydrogen skills sub-committee) as well as the Gas Industry Reference Committee. We have been connecting industry with skills for over ten years.
Is H2SA able to undertake research projects to identify training needs within the Hydrogen industry?
Yes, H2SA is an affiliate to Energy Skills Queensland which has a significant track record in providing valuable research products to industry.
How can I have a confidential discussion about a proposed research or training project
Via the contact form. All information is handled in a confidential manner and we are regulated under the Privacy Act.